Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First Light

Celebrating First Light, the festival of Brigid, with my dear women friends. Milk is poured into a dark 'well' of water in a bowl, making swirls and clouds. I watch mesmerised at the simple magic that comes from a symbolic gesture made in sacred space. I watch the milk of human kindness swirling into me, and the pure milk white of inspiration from the fire goddess. Something quickens. Maybe creative kindling is not too far away now.
I am filled with the fragrance of daphne. I sense that I am crossing a threshold.


Unknown said...

I am so envious of your group celebration. It sounds very special. I had my own funny little ritual. Maybe one day I will belong to such a group here. Thank you for sharing this Juliet.

Juliet said...

Why don't you start a group? I give guidelines in my book Power From Within. It's wonderful to celebrate the seasonal festivals with others.